
Osama Bin Laden in his own words

The following speech by Osama Bin Laden was played by Aljazeera on October 29th, 2004. Bin Laden discusses the reasons for the attack on the world trade center, the strategy of bleeding the u.s. into financial ruin, and the path to peace. Of particular interest is his disavowal of the oft-cited claim by western politicians that they "hate us for our freedom-loving ways". In fact, he sounds every bit a leftist, Marxist critic of global multinational capitalism--albeit with a fundamentalist Islamicist streak. If we take him at his own word, this conflict isn't about western democracy, its about economic oppression and the political manipulation of Arab countries for their resources. I am aware that our policy is not to bargain with terrorists. But we would be wise to understand the real reasons for the conflict AND NOT accept the recasting of this conflict in terms which our administration finds politically convenient in terms of the resource wars. A must read: http://www.globalpublicmedia.com/lectures/160