
The Distribution of Plenitude

M and I worked the ale spigot at a hospitality booth set aside especially for the pipers at Milwaukee's Irish Fest today. It was volunteer work made possible by my dissertation director, a mutton chopped man of magnanimity who provided us with free tokens and free cheer. There we manned the faucet of ale pouring cup after cup of liquid gold for an endless line of Irish pipers, winking and praising the largesse. It was a rare moment of distributing plenty for this son of Eire. It was from a limitless fount of gold that we poured goblets for the sons of Eire, laughin and winkin their way from the end to the beginning and to the end of the line again. "Thank you, lad" they said to me, each receiving his dispensation as though receiving communion from the Lord Jesus himself. We fed them the drink at the beginning and at the end of their solemn procession around the grounds. The shrill pipes firing up and the drums pounding, the banners waving. Oh, sons and daughters of Celtic shores, may God bless you with cups of liquid gold now and at the end of your rainbow, amen.