
Dowd on Disgorgement; Feng on Decapitation

The above link is to today's NY Times editorial by Maureen Dowd in which she argues that any bank that both received federal dollars and issued bonuses to its staff ought to be forced to give the bonus money back. Amen. 18+ billion dollars in bonuses? These fuckers should be in jail right now. Thats our money lining their pockets. These are the fuckers who created the credit derivative bubble. I'd be all for jailing them for that alone, but this too? The argument that if they don't pay out these bonuses why they (the executives and staff receiving bonuses) will go elsewhere is not only wrong, its immoral: that shit just won't flush. Where else are they going to go? Higher education? Public service? The restaurant business? IT? What? These fuckers don't know the value of money. They're too close to where it is made out of thin air to understand the nature of a productive economy. No, no, I'll tell you what: bring out the guillotines and decimate their ranks, displaying prominently their heads on wrought iron pikes around Wall Street. That would send a message.