
Maass' New York Times article on peak oil and Kunstler's reply

Peter Maass, "The Breaking Point " New York Times, Sunday, August 21, 2005. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/21/magazine/21OIL.html?pagewanted=all

A nugget found within: "Husseini, for one, doesn't buy that approach. ''Everybody is looking at the producers to pull the chestnuts out of the fire, as if it's our job to fix everybody's problems,'' he told me. ''It's not our problem to tell a democratically elected government that you have to do something about your runaway consumers. If your government can't do the job, you can't expect other governments to do it for them.''"

James Howard Kunstler, Delusion and the Media http://www.kunstler.com/mags_diary14.html

Maass' article appeared on my birthday, August 21st, 2005, the day upon which I buried my thirty-fifth year.