
An Understanding of Middle East Conflict As Seen In a Dream

In the dream I was listening to a lecture by a white haired professor of Hebrew bible that I'd had as an undergraduate. In the q and a period, he was collecting only hand written questions. Mine was the last question to be collected. I just couldn't think of anything to ask and then I slowly wrote it out as follows...

"According to Immanuel Kant knowledge is akin to perception and involves the application of concepts of the understanding to sense data. In your talk you mentioned that Shi'a and Judaism were historical religions. What application of concepts of the understanding will resolve a merely historical conflict? Don't these things have to be worked out historically rather than in the understanding?"

That was the question. Never mind that I bungled in my dream consciousness Kant's account of experience, confusing it with "knowledge". Nevertheless, it does seem like a good question for the white haired professors of middle eastern religions. Don't they see that these conflicts will never be resolved by means of understanding but simply by the long, bloody trail of history?

And I woke up before I heard his reply, unfortunately.