

Grading papers until 3 pm and my mind started to wander. Fritz and I drove over to Kletzsch Park and tapped the holes for kings. I'd been watching the meteorological signs and they were auspicious. We'd had two good flushes of rain in two days and they'd opened the gates at Estabrook Dam. In came the fast Kings, angry to dump their load onto the gravels. Through the sluice chute over the other side of the island, shafts of light spilled through the teacolored flowover the redd. In the seams of light large salmon forms shouldered up.

We tried a streamer with two bright orange bulbs and a milk white down plume over it in imitation of the milt. Nothing doing. Then, the egg-sucking leach with the purple chenille. That seemed to do the trick. They snapped it up and hunkered down like logs stuck in the flow. Now and again they rolled, boiling up the hole. Green back and gold flanked--a kind of green bay packer of the fish world making his run for the goal.