Here is a photo of a 1 lb."golden trout" purchased at the St. Paul Seafood Company for about 6 dollars. Not to be confused with the true Golden Trout of the High Sierra (O
ncorrhynchus aguabonita), this is a strain of Rainbow Trout (
Oncorrhynchus mykiss) that have been selectively bred for the red coloration of the back, which is normally olive green in color. Cultivated from a naturally occuring mutation, this is no GMO. The High-Vis red back variation of this trout would naturally be a target of predation and so the mutation could not enjoy any sizable numbers within a natural population in a wild river. But in the breeder's pen, what magic occurs! Proving yet again the magnificent diversity and excellence of the Rainbow's form.
***Note, as of 3/22/07 the trout remains uneaten. I just couldn't eat the red headed stepchild. I'm going to be depositing it in the compost heap.
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